Parents considering attending Friday’s school deliberative session can take heart. This year, bringing the kids is encouraged.
Well, sort of.
Members of the high school Student Council and National Honor Society will be on hand to offer free baby-sitting services for the town’s future voters, Superintendent Nathan Greenberg announced late last week.
In Room 221 of the high school, local tots can watch a DVD of Disney’s “The Lion King” while their parents partake in some local democracy. Rooms 201, 202 and 203 will be reserved for arts, crafts and plenty of other fun activities.
Parents will be required to sign an attendance sheet before heading into the deliberative session, with emergency contact phone numbers exchanged. Pickup of children will commence immediately after the deliberative session.
JAN. 27, 2010
Londonderry PD looking for new recruits
Now accepting applications: the Londonderry Police Department.
Testing for new police officer recruits has been scheduled for May 21 at Londonderry High School, police Chief William Hart announced on Wednesday.
Hart said the police department conducts such testing annually in order to create a potential hire list.
“While there are retirements every year, there are not that many people who leave the department prior to that,” Hart said on Tuesday. “At the same time, we must prepare annually for the possibility.”
With that in mind, potential police officer candidates are asked to consider the nature of those possible positions, which require shift work including nights, weekends and holidays.
Testing for new police officer recruits has been scheduled for May 21 at Londonderry High School, police Chief William Hart announced on Wednesday.
Hart said the police department conducts such testing annually in order to create a potential hire list.
“While there are retirements every year, there are not that many people who leave the department prior to that,” Hart said on Tuesday. “At the same time, we must prepare annually for the possibility.”
With that in mind, potential police officer candidates are asked to consider the nature of those possible positions, which require shift work including nights, weekends and holidays.
Applications are available at the main desk of the police department or may be downloaded online at www.londonderrynh. org.
Completed applications must be filled out completely, legibly printed, signed and submitted, along with a cover letter, resume and $25 testing fee, by May 11 to: Suzanne Hebert, Londonderry Police Department, 268A Mammoth Road, Londonderry, NH, 03053.
Testing will begin at 8 a.m. on May 21, with a written portion promptly followed by a physical agility test. The written segment of the test will be waived for those who are already certified police officers in New Hampshire.
Londonderry’s police department employs 73 fulltime officers. Salary range for officers is $47,630 to $63,181, depending on experience. -- APRIL GUILMETCompleted applications must be filled out completely, legibly printed, signed and submitted, along with a cover letter, resume and $25 testing fee, by May 11 to: Suzanne Hebert, Londonderry Police Department, 268A Mammoth Road, Londonderry, NH, 03053.
Testing will begin at 8 a.m. on May 21, with a written portion promptly followed by a physical agility test. The written segment of the test will be waived for those who are already certified police officers in New Hampshire.
JAN. 25, 2010
Flu shot vouchers available for free
Free flu shot vouchers are now available through the town’s health department for uninsured people over the age of 9.
Derry has access to about 350 vouchers as part of a federal partnership that includes public health officials, Walgreens pharmacies and community service organizations, said Garret Simonsen of the Greater Derry Public Health Region.
The federal program is providing vouchers to 15 cities nationwide, Simonsen said, as well as about 5,000 in New Hampshire.
“The demonstration project is largely focused in 15 urban environments across the country, but New Hampshire was selected to represent a rural component,” Simonsen said.
Anyone interested in requesting a vaccine voucher should call the Derry Health Department at 845-5519. Vouchers can be redeemed at any Walgreens pharmacy in exchange for a free seasonal influenza vaccine.
About a dozen people have taken advantage of the program in Derry so far, Simonsen said, and the vouchers will be distributed until April 15.
“We’re still in the traditional flu season and we’re starting to see an increase in influenza- like illness both nationally and in the New England region,” Simonsen said. “If individuals haven’t been vaccinated yet, now is still a good time.”
DEC. 30, 2010
Rotary offers good odds for a good cause
The Londonderry Rotary Club has set its sights high when it comes to fundraising this winter.
At $100 per ticket, the stakes are still pretty high for this winter’s raffle, according to Rotarian Reed Clark.
Clark said that only 200 tickets would be sold and one lucky winner could walk away with $10,000. “If you’re feeling lucky, one in 200 are pretty good odds,” Clark said this week.
As for the 199 who don’t win, they can rest in the assurance that they’ve made a difference for needy families within their own community: 100 percent of the $10,000 raised by the Rotary will go towards various charities, including Warm Homes, a local charity helping Londonderry residents pay their heating bills this winter.
The winner will be announced at 6 p.m. on Jan. 6, with the drawing to take place in the upstairs lounge at The Coach Stop, on the corner of Route 102 and Mammoth Road.
To purchase tickets, contact George Brooks at 537- 1144. -- By April Guilmet
At $100 per ticket, the stakes are still pretty high for this winter’s raffle, according to Rotarian Reed Clark.
Clark said that only 200 tickets would be sold and one lucky winner could walk away with $10,000. “If you’re feeling lucky, one in 200 are pretty good odds,” Clark said this week.
As for the 199 who don’t win, they can rest in the assurance that they’ve made a difference for needy families within their own community: 100 percent of the $10,000 raised by the Rotary will go towards various charities, including Warm Homes, a local charity helping Londonderry residents pay their heating bills this winter.
The winner will be announced at 6 p.m. on Jan. 6, with the drawing to take place in the upstairs lounge at The Coach Stop, on the corner of Route 102 and Mammoth Road.
To purchase tickets, contact George Brooks at 537- 1144. -- By April Guilmet
OCTOBER 19, 2010
Although still in the early stages, the Derry Adopt-A-Road program received final approval Monday night.
The town’s Energy and Environment Advisory Committee has been working on getting a road program going since the early summer, said committee Chairman Tom Minnon. And after Monday’s unanimous vote, the program will move ahead.
Participating groups will sponsor certain sections of town-owned roads through Derry by conducting at least two annual trash pickups, Minnon said. A commemorative sign will be posted on each adopted road.
Derry Parks and Recreation Director Eric Bodenrader recently stepped up to admin-ister the program, according to Councilor David Milz, who serves as a liaison to the energy committee.
To contact Bodenrader about road sponsorship, call 432-6136.
SEPTEMBER 13, 2010
The Beaver Lake boat access ramp will be closed for repairs from September 20 to October 8 as NH Fish and Game works on improvements to the boat ramp, removing the old ramp and installing a 12-foot-wide ramp with 3-foot concrete planks. Construction is expected to take two to three weeks. The repairs will be made without drawing down the lake level. A drawdown previously considered for Beaver Lake in association with this project was not pursued because of Fish and Game's construction schedule, concerns about preservation of wildlife habitat and the need to minimize impacts to nearby wells.
JUNE 16, 2010
MAY 26, 2010
DERRY – Tax bills are in the mail, and should be arriving by week's end with no big surprises.
The 2010 real estate tax bills are estimated based on half of the previous year's tax rate. They do not include any increases that may be pending for the school tax, said town Assessor David Gomez. Because there was not town-wide revaluation, property values remained the same on paper.
“The full picture isn't established until early to mid-October, based on all the forms the town has to provide to the state. Once the state sets the tax rate, then we can let people know what their actual tax bill will be,” Gomez said.
The town tax rate came in at $9.35 – four cents under last year's tax rate, said Gomez.
Residents should know that the bill they receive this week reflects about half of what the total tax bill will be. Payments not made by the July 1 deadline are subject to 12% interest.
Final tax bills will be mailed in the fall and are due by Dec. 1.
Homeowners may qualify for a state-run program to help low and moderate income families with property tax relief under RSA 198:56. Specific filing instructions and program information is available by calling the state Department of Revenue Administration at 271-2192. Program information and application forms are available at the town Municipal Center, or from the Tax Collector's and Assessing Offices Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Wednesdays at the Tax Collector’s office until 7 p.m. The last day to file an application for tax relief for the 2009 tax year is June 30.
Please contact the Tax Collector’s Office at 432-6106 if you do not receive your tax bill, or with any other bill related questions.
MAY 25, 2010
If you love hot, sloppy barbecue and cool jazz, then mark your social calendar for May 22 when the Upper Village Hall will be host a Jazz and BBQ fundraiser from 1 to 4 p.m. featuring the Alvirne High School Jazz. There will be a Moon Bounce and face painting for the kids and great BBQ for all. Several local companies have donated valuable items for raffles. A $5 donation per person with a $15 family maximum is suggested for the show.
MAY 3, 2010
ABOVE: This year's Boston Prep 16 Miler, sponsored annually by the Greater Derry Track Club, drew more than 800 runners from across New England and beyond.
The Greater Derry Track Club will host the 19th Annual Foothealth 5K Road Race May 1, 9 a.m. at Gallien’s Beach on Beaver Lake. Thisyear’s race is also the third race of the seven race New Hampshire Grand Prix running club racing series.
Run for the Apples Cross Country 5K (August); and Turkey Trot 5K (Thanksgiving Day).
Derry Public Library is offering a seminar on social networking, for those who still think birds are the only ones who should be “Tweeting.”
“Social Networking: Not Just For Teens Anymore,” is for anyone who's been curious to know what it's all about, but afraid to ask. You've heard how somebody's family sends pictures and updates regularly on Facebook, and are “friending” others who share their interests or hobbies, or reconnecting with old friends from college after years.
But you don't know where to begin, or if it's even something for you.
Lecturer Lynn MacDonald of Londonderry-based software education company, The Knowledge Tree, will be at the library May 8 at 2 p.m. to fill you in and field your questions on everything from Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. MacDonald will inform you about how to use these new social networking sites to keep in touch with family and friends, develop a job search, make professional contacts – and how to protect yourself and your privacy in this brave new viirtual world.
Reservations may be made by phone or in person, and are recommended, although not required. Light refreshments will be provided. Call the Derry Public Library at 432-6140 for additional information.
The East Derry Village Improvement Society is looking for donations for its May 8 yard sale, proceeds to benefit restoration of the Upper Village Hall. Call 434-6723 to arrange for pick-up or delivery of your gently used toys, books, clothing, housewares, laptops and computers (no monitors), small furniture, old strange things, almost anything except for TVs or hazardous items.
Left: Dave McPherson shows off a vintage, non-electric Magic Chef stove that was donated by a resident for the upcoming yard sale to benefit renovations at the old Town Hall.
Springtime is a time of rebirth – even at the town cemetery. Consider taking a break from your own backyard chores to join the Friends of Forest Hill Cemetery Association April 24 at 10 a.m. for morning of painting the cemetery fence and entrance gate, weather permitting. The town has donated primer and paint and Dollar Bill’s has provided brushes.
Contact Dorothy Goldman by April 22 to sign up by calling 893-3254. Lunch will be provided. (Bring your own bottled water or beverage). Great activity for families and small community groups.
APRIL 15, 2010
Movie Monday: April 26, 2 - 3:30 p.m. for ages 6-11. Head over to the library for a showing of Disney’s Pixar classic, “UP,” which is rated PG. Popcorn will be served.
Txt Jprdy: That's "Text Jeopardy" for the uninitiated. Join the fun April 28 from 7 to 8 p.m. and test your knowledge of text lingo. How many abbreviations can you figure out? Grades 6 to 12 are welcome to race against the clock and win prizes in this cool new version of Jeopardy! This is your chance to show off your texting knowledge and skills.
Registration is requested. To register or for more information, call Joan at 432-6140 or email her at
Stuffed Animal “Sleepover.” Bring your favorite stuffed animal to the library on Thursday April 29 at 6 pm. We will read a bedtime story, have a bedtime snack and then you can say “good night” to your stuffed animal before you go home. What do you think your stuffed animal will do in the library during the night? Pick up your stuffed animal anytime during the following day and find out! For all ages. Registration suggested.
Perhaps you're a poet and you just don't know it. April is National Poetry Month, enough of a reason for a poetry contest and poetry party for grades K – 5 on April 30, from 1 to 2 p.m. Pick up your entry form at the library or print one from the library’s website and write a poem about “Chippy” the new children’s room mascot. There are two grade categories: K to 2 , and 3 to 5. Each person who enters the contest will receive the collection of poems entered at the poetry party. The deadline to submit your poem is April 28. Refreshments will be served and prizes awarded.
APRIL 5, 2010
On April 11 Etz Hayim Synagogue welcomes the public to come and enjoy a concert by popular Boston-based Jewish a capella group Shir Appeal.
Founded in 1995, Shir Appeal sings three types of Jewish music: Traditional Jewish melodies, Israeli rock songs, and American music with Jewish themes. Repeatedly recognized by the secular a capella community, Shir Appeal has won spots on the nationally acclaimed Best of Collegiate A Capella (BOCA) CD three times.
Their third album, “Unpealed,” was nominated for two Contemporary A Capella Recording Awards (CARA’s) for Best Mixed Collegiate Song, “K'mo B'tmunah” and Best Mixed Collegiate Album. In a first for Jewish A Capella, they won the CARA for Best Song and also took runner-up in the Best Mixed Album category.
“It’s exciting to use the synagogue as a stage for Boston’s talented young performers, providing us with the opportunity to connect through the shared language of music,” said Etz Hayim Rabbi Louis Reiser.
Tickets are $12 per person, $36 per family, and can be purchased in advance, or at the door.
Immediately after the concert, which starts at 4 p.m., the synagogue will offer a vegetarian dinner (falafel, pita, hummus, salad, and drink) for $8 per person. Advanced registration for dinner is required.
For more information, or to RSVP, please contact Rabbi Louis Rieser at, or (603) 432-0004.
This concert is supported by a grant from the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire.
MARCH 31, 2010
Beatle Juice
DERRY – The Center for Life Management Foundation is hoping supporters will come together for a benefit concert and silent auction April 16 to help support their mission, of providing comprehensive mental health services to those in need.
An evening of music featuring New England fan favorite Beatle Juice at the Stockbridge Theatre at Pinkerton Academy. All proceeds will benefit CLM Foundation, which supports the non-profit community health agency located on Tsienneto Road.
The Beatles tribute band has performed with the late Brad Delp, and other musical greats including Ben Orr, The Fools and Farrenheit, perfecting a range of Fab Four favorites from “All My Lovin’ ” to the orchestrated “Strawberry Fields” and “I Am The Walrus.”
Opening band is Bedford-based Kascade, a four-man alternarock band with a Jack Johnson vibe and growing Facebook fan base.
The Silent Auction will feature a pile of locally donated goods, including Beatles Rock Band for Nintendo Wii, Nutfield Pottery, sports memorabilia, Red Sox Tickets, a wine tasting for up to 20 at the Zorvino Vineyards and more.
Tickets are available online at, by phone at 603-437-5210 or in person at the Stockbridge Theatre box office Monday-Friday 1 to 5 p.m. The silent auction opens at 6 p.m. and the concert begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for students and seniors.
Kascade MARCH 30, 2010
April 10-11: Scrap metal drive, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
A two-day scrap metal recycling event will be held in conjunction with Windfield Recycling at the Upper Village Hall. Acceptable items include washing machines, dryers, sewing machines, air conditioners, lawn mowers, tractors, old cars, boilers, radiators, computers hard drives, etc. For a $10 charge the group will accept refrigerators. All donations are tax deductible.
For a nominal charge, items can be scheduled for pick up.
Excluded items: Do not bring televisions, computer monitors, printers or any items containing hazardous materials. Call the Upper Village Hall office at 434-6723 if you have any questions.
Yard Sale: Also, EDVIS is currently looking for items to sell for an upcoming yard sale to be held in early May, date to be announced. Contact the office to arrange a drop-off time.
Find your Inner Linguist at the Derry Public Library
Although still in the early stages, the Derry Adopt-A-Road program received final approval Monday night.
The town’s Energy and Environment Advisory Committee has been working on getting a road program going since the early summer, said committee Chairman Tom Minnon. And after Monday’s unanimous vote, the program will move ahead.
Participating groups will sponsor certain sections of town-owned roads through Derry by conducting at least two annual trash pickups, Minnon said. A commemorative sign will be posted on each adopted road.
Derry Parks and Recreation Director Eric Bodenrader recently stepped up to admin-ister the program, according to Councilor David Milz, who serves as a liaison to the energy committee.
To contact Bodenrader about road sponsorship, call 432-6136.
SEPTEMBER 13, 2010
The Beaver Lake boat access ramp will be closed for repairs from September 20 to October 8 as NH Fish and Game works on improvements to the boat ramp, removing the old ramp and installing a 12-foot-wide ramp with 3-foot concrete planks. Construction is expected to take two to three weeks. The repairs will be made without drawing down the lake level. A drawdown previously considered for Beaver Lake in association with this project was not pursued because of Fish and Game's construction schedule, concerns about preservation of wildlife habitat and the need to minimize impacts to nearby wells.
JUNE 16, 2010
Derry Animal Control Officer Marlene Bishop said the town is ready to send out fines to owners of 1,500 unregistered dogs, who missed the annual registration deadline and now owe a $25 fine.
"We don't know that all the dogs on the list are unregistered -- some could have moved or died. But notices are ready to go out. You know, $25 is a lot to pay in this economy, especially when the cost of registration is only about $8," said Bishop.
In general, dog registrations are up over this time last year -- with more than 3,000 currently documented, Bishop feels she's winning the battle over lapsed registrations. Those who fail to pay the $25 fine and register their animals will face court costs on top of the fine, Bishop said.
"It's a fairly simple process. You can do it online, or come in to the office -- we're open till 7 p.m on Wednesdays. You can mail in your check. If your kid is 16 and drives, you can send your kid in to get the license. We're not trying to make this hard on anyone. It's just important to know that dogs are registered and up to date on their rabies -- the two go hand in hand."
MAY 26, 2010
DERRY – Tax bills are in the mail, and should be arriving by week's end with no big surprises.
The 2010 real estate tax bills are estimated based on half of the previous year's tax rate. They do not include any increases that may be pending for the school tax, said town Assessor David Gomez. Because there was not town-wide revaluation, property values remained the same on paper.
“The full picture isn't established until early to mid-October, based on all the forms the town has to provide to the state. Once the state sets the tax rate, then we can let people know what their actual tax bill will be,” Gomez said.
The town tax rate came in at $9.35 – four cents under last year's tax rate, said Gomez.
Residents should know that the bill they receive this week reflects about half of what the total tax bill will be. Payments not made by the July 1 deadline are subject to 12% interest.
Final tax bills will be mailed in the fall and are due by Dec. 1.
Homeowners may qualify for a state-run program to help low and moderate income families with property tax relief under RSA 198:56. Specific filing instructions and program information is available by calling the state Department of Revenue Administration at 271-2192. Program information and application forms are available at the town Municipal Center, or from the Tax Collector's and Assessing Offices Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Wednesdays at the Tax Collector’s office until 7 p.m. The last day to file an application for tax relief for the 2009 tax year is June 30.
Please contact the Tax Collector’s Office at 432-6106 if you do not receive your tax bill, or with any other bill related questions.
MAY 25, 2010
They are hell on wheels when they're inside the rink, but on the outside, ManchVegas Roller Girls appreciate good clean fun, which is why they are hosting a car wash May 30 at the McDonald's on Crystal Avenue in Derry from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Come out and support the MVRG and their mission, to empower anyone, no matter what their age, sex, gender or abilities, to have fun in a competitive atmosphere where athleticism and good sportsmanship abound.
For more information, go to
Derry Rotary is having its annual Ham and Bean Supper for Senior Citizens this year at Pinkerton Academy's senior cafe in the Arts Building, a change of venue from last year.
The free supper is scheduled for May 23 from 4 to 6 p.m. and includes baked ham, hot dogs, baked beans, assorted salads, pie and ice cream.
There will also be door prizes, giveaways and plenty of friendship and fun. All “seasoned citizens” are welcome, and encouraged to bring a friend.
For more information, contact Rotarian Sam Gray at 432-5851.
If you love hot, sloppy barbecue and cool jazz, then mark your social calendar for May 22 when the Upper Village Hall will be host a Jazz and BBQ fundraiser from 1 to 4 p.m. featuring the Alvirne High School Jazz. There will be a Moon Bounce and face painting for the kids and great BBQ for all. Several local companies have donated valuable items for raffles. A $5 donation per person with a $15 family maximum is suggested for the show.
MAY 3, 2010
Summer is just around the bend, a time when kids are outside playing more throughout the day and, sometimes, coming in contact with people they may not know. Do your kids know the drill?
Make sure your children are prepared for the unexpected by attending “Stranger Danger Awareness and Family Fun Day” at ATA Martial Arts in Derry May 8 from 1 to 3 p.m.
According to owner Dianna DeNapoli, the day will be dedicated to community awareness and child safety. In addition to a “stranger danger” class and finger printing, there will be a barbecue, face painting and a bounce house, all free for attendees.
The academy is located at 80 N. High St., in the same plaza as Derry Dance Center.
For more information or directions call 434-9444.
ABOVE: Some of the items dropped off during the April 10-11 scrap drive at the Upper Village Hall.
East Derry Village Improvement Society is holding a second scrap metal drive May 15 and 16 at the Upper Village Hall from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. both days.
Based on the overwhelming success of last week's drive, which filled more than three Dumpsters with old bikes, lawn mowers, cast-off appliances and general debris, the public is invited to participate again by calling to make arrangements to either drop off or have your scrap metal picked up. All proceeds from the collection will go to renovations and repairs of the former town hall, which is now open to local groups looking for a place to meet.
Most all metal items are acceptable with the exception of TVs, computer monitors and printers, or any item containing hazardous material. Old refrigerators are welcome, but there will be a $10 charge to drain them of freon.
Call 434-6723 to make arrangements for pick up or drop off of your scramp metal items. Address email inquiries to:
APRIL 29, 2010
ABOVE: This year's Boston Prep 16 Miler, sponsored annually by the Greater Derry Track Club, drew more than 800 runners from across New England and beyond.
The Greater Derry Track Club will host the 19th Annual Foothealth 5K Road Race May 1, 9 a.m. at Gallien’s Beach on Beaver Lake. Thisyear’s race is also the third race of the seven race New Hampshire Grand Prix running club racing series.
Registration begins 7:30 a.m., with a scheduled starting time of 9 a.m.. Early on-line registration is $18, mail-in registration is $22, race day registration is $25. The first 120 pre-registered runners receive a custom designed short-sleeved race T-shirt. Post race refreshments and party will follow at the club house at the beach.
Awards will be given in the following categories: Top 3 overall male; Top 3 overall female; Top 3 by age group. Mick O’Brien holds the male race record with a 15:11 in 1997. Christine Reaser holds the female race record of 17:54, also set in 1997. Race information and registration forms are available Questions can be sent to Race Director Mariano Santangelo at: Race proceeds benefit the GDTC Kid’s Summer Fun Run running program held every summer at Pinkerton Academy Track.
The Greater Derry Track Club is a non-profit charitable organization formed in 1978 to promote running related activities and improvements within the community. The Foothealth 5k is one of the five events sponsored annually and conducted by the GDTC. The other events are the Boston Prep 16 Miler (January)l Kids Summer Fun Run Series (6 weeks June-July); Mack’sRun for the Apples Cross Country 5K (August); and Turkey Trot 5K (Thanksgiving Day).
APRIL 16, 2010
GET THE 411 ON SOCIAL NETWORKING@DERRY PUBLIC LIBRARYDerry Public Library is offering a seminar on social networking, for those who still think birds are the only ones who should be “Tweeting.”
“Social Networking: Not Just For Teens Anymore,” is for anyone who's been curious to know what it's all about, but afraid to ask. You've heard how somebody's family sends pictures and updates regularly on Facebook, and are “friending” others who share their interests or hobbies, or reconnecting with old friends from college after years.
But you don't know where to begin, or if it's even something for you.
Lecturer Lynn MacDonald of Londonderry-based software education company, The Knowledge Tree, will be at the library May 8 at 2 p.m. to fill you in and field your questions on everything from Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. MacDonald will inform you about how to use these new social networking sites to keep in touch with family and friends, develop a job search, make professional contacts – and how to protect yourself and your privacy in this brave new viirtual world.
Reservations may be made by phone or in person, and are recommended, although not required. Light refreshments will be provided. Call the Derry Public Library at 432-6140 for additional information.
The East Derry Village Improvement Society is looking for donations for its May 8 yard sale, proceeds to benefit restoration of the Upper Village Hall. Call 434-6723 to arrange for pick-up or delivery of your gently used toys, books, clothing, housewares, laptops and computers (no monitors), small furniture, old strange things, almost anything except for TVs or hazardous items.
Left: Dave McPherson shows off a vintage, non-electric Magic Chef stove that was donated by a resident for the upcoming yard sale to benefit renovations at the old Town Hall.

Contact Dorothy Goldman by April 22 to sign up by calling 893-3254. Lunch will be provided. (Bring your own bottled water or beverage). Great activity for families and small community groups.
APRIL 15, 2010
Derry Public Library has announced several special School Vacation Week activities for those who may be staying close to home during April vacation.Movie Monday: April 26, 2 - 3:30 p.m. for ages 6-11. Head over to the library for a showing of Disney’s Pixar classic, “UP,” which is rated PG. Popcorn will be served.
Txt Jprdy: That's "Text Jeopardy" for the uninitiated. Join the fun April 28 from 7 to 8 p.m. and test your knowledge of text lingo. How many abbreviations can you figure out? Grades 6 to 12 are welcome to race against the clock and win prizes in this cool new version of Jeopardy! This is your chance to show off your texting knowledge and skills.
Registration is requested. To register or for more information, call Joan at 432-6140 or email her at
Stuffed Animal “Sleepover.” Bring your favorite stuffed animal to the library on Thursday April 29 at 6 pm. We will read a bedtime story, have a bedtime snack and then you can say “good night” to your stuffed animal before you go home. What do you think your stuffed animal will do in the library during the night? Pick up your stuffed animal anytime during the following day and find out! For all ages. Registration suggested.
Perhaps you're a poet and you just don't know it. April is National Poetry Month, enough of a reason for a poetry contest and poetry party for grades K – 5 on April 30, from 1 to 2 p.m. Pick up your entry form at the library or print one from the library’s website and write a poem about “Chippy” the new children’s room mascot. There are two grade categories: K to 2 , and 3 to 5. Each person who enters the contest will receive the collection of poems entered at the poetry party. The deadline to submit your poem is April 28. Refreshments will be served and prizes awarded.
APRIL 5, 2010
On April 11 Etz Hayim Synagogue welcomes the public to come and enjoy a concert by popular Boston-based Jewish a capella group Shir Appeal.
Founded in 1995, Shir Appeal sings three types of Jewish music: Traditional Jewish melodies, Israeli rock songs, and American music with Jewish themes. Repeatedly recognized by the secular a capella community, Shir Appeal has won spots on the nationally acclaimed Best of Collegiate A Capella (BOCA) CD three times.
Their third album, “Unpealed,” was nominated for two Contemporary A Capella Recording Awards (CARA’s) for Best Mixed Collegiate Song, “K'mo B'tmunah” and Best Mixed Collegiate Album. In a first for Jewish A Capella, they won the CARA for Best Song and also took runner-up in the Best Mixed Album category.
“It’s exciting to use the synagogue as a stage for Boston’s talented young performers, providing us with the opportunity to connect through the shared language of music,” said Etz Hayim Rabbi Louis Reiser.
Tickets are $12 per person, $36 per family, and can be purchased in advance, or at the door.
Immediately after the concert, which starts at 4 p.m., the synagogue will offer a vegetarian dinner (falafel, pita, hummus, salad, and drink) for $8 per person. Advanced registration for dinner is required.
For more information, or to RSVP, please contact Rabbi Louis Rieser at, or (603) 432-0004.
This concert is supported by a grant from the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire.
MARCH 31, 2010
DERRY – The Center for Life Management Foundation is hoping supporters will come together for a benefit concert and silent auction April 16 to help support their mission, of providing comprehensive mental health services to those in need.
An evening of music featuring New England fan favorite Beatle Juice at the Stockbridge Theatre at Pinkerton Academy. All proceeds will benefit CLM Foundation, which supports the non-profit community health agency located on Tsienneto Road.
The Beatles tribute band has performed with the late Brad Delp, and other musical greats including Ben Orr, The Fools and Farrenheit, perfecting a range of Fab Four favorites from “All My Lovin’ ” to the orchestrated “Strawberry Fields” and “I Am The Walrus.”
Opening band is Bedford-based Kascade, a four-man alternarock band with a Jack Johnson vibe and growing Facebook fan base.
The Silent Auction will feature a pile of locally donated goods, including Beatles Rock Band for Nintendo Wii, Nutfield Pottery, sports memorabilia, Red Sox Tickets, a wine tasting for up to 20 at the Zorvino Vineyards and more.
Tickets are available online at, by phone at 603-437-5210 or in person at the Stockbridge Theatre box office Monday-Friday 1 to 5 p.m. The silent auction opens at 6 p.m. and the concert begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for students and seniors.
East Derry Village Improvement Society to host fundraisers
Community support is needed for two upcoming fundraisers sponsored by the East Derry Village Improvement Society:April 10-11: Scrap metal drive, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
A two-day scrap metal recycling event will be held in conjunction with Windfield Recycling at the Upper Village Hall. Acceptable items include washing machines, dryers, sewing machines, air conditioners, lawn mowers, tractors, old cars, boilers, radiators, computers hard drives, etc. For a $10 charge the group will accept refrigerators. All donations are tax deductible.
For a nominal charge, items can be scheduled for pick up.
Excluded items: Do not bring televisions, computer monitors, printers or any items containing hazardous materials. Call the Upper Village Hall office at 434-6723 if you have any questions.
Yard Sale: Also, EDVIS is currently looking for items to sell for an upcoming yard sale to be held in early May, date to be announced. Contact the office to arrange a drop-off time.
Find your Inner Linguist at the Derry Public Library
Living in a global village requires the right language skills. If you feel limited by your native tongue, consider checking out Mango, a new language learning tool available through the Derry Public Library's Web site ( Anyone with a Derry Library card can log on and start learning one of 21 foreign languages: Arabic (Levantine); Chinese (Mandarin); Dari; Farsi (Persian); French; German; Greek; Hebrew; Hindi; Irish; Japanese; Korean; Pashto; Portuguese (Brazil); Russian; Spanish (Latin America) Tagalog; Thai; Turkish; Urdu; Vietnamese. In addition, speakers of 14 languages can log on to learn English as a second language (ESL): French; Russian; Chinese (Mandarin); Chinese (Cantonese); Italian; Arabic (Egyptian); Japanese; Vietnamese; Polish; Korean; Greek; German; Spanish (Latin America); Portuguese (Brazil).
Mango is an easy to use online language-learning system that teaches actual conversation skills via the internet on your home computer. Web access, microphone, Derry Public Library card number and PIN are needed. By listening to and repeating after native speakers, you'll not only learn the individual words and phrases, grammar, and conjugation, you'll also know how to communicate in practical situations and conversations. One interesting component allows you to hear a native speaker speak normally or slowly, you repeat what they say into a microphone on your computer, then you hear both the native speaker and yourself to compare. You can create a log on and password and Mango will save your place in the lessons, or you can log on as a guest and choose your own lessons from menus.
The Derry Public Library reference department is available to help you get started during regular library hours, Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
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